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Consider the buyer’s journey Source: Inbound Rocket TOFU (Top of the Funnel) It is the most general stage of the journey when the consumer is discovering their problem. You may attract many people here, but just a few will fit with a qualified lead profile. At this stage, generally, people don’t leave their information yet.

But nothing prevents that from happening. The best content for your audience is blog posts, podcasts, ebooks, complete guides, and others broadly addressing the subjects. MOFU (Middle of the Funnel) In the France Phone Number Data middle of the funnel, your audience already knows they have a problem and are searching for a solution. about them in exchange for valuable content, like an ebook or infographic, and you may use this data to drive them to the bottom of the funnel.

Here, the best way to address the themes related to your business is through blog posts, multimedia, and interactive content, keeping the focus on the solutions your company can provide to your lead. BOFU (Bottom of Funnel) Only people interested in your products or services arrive at the bottom of the funnel and are highly likely to buy your products or services. These are the most valuable kinds of leads.


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